Amazon Full Service: Common Mistakes in Account Management

How the strategic use of Amazon DSP audiences generated sales for a client when their own purchase and views audiences failed

Total ROAS of over 10 within the first month for seasonal products

Average Total ROAS has been 3.14 which is above our initial target of 3

Seasonality & similar views

The Client

This US company sells a range of products linked to parties and seasonal celebrations. They have an excellent relationship with their wholesaler which means that they can respond quickly to market trends and has resulted in them having over 40,000 child ASINs.

In October 2021, after managing PPC for a year, the client wanted to experiment with DSP to see if this would be a way of accelerating sales growth on Amazon. Although the customer had a range of evergreen products, they were also interested in seeing how seasonal products would perform.

What We Did...

Amazon DSP is focused on targeting audiences, so we were confident that we could build evergreen custom audiences based on purchases and views. However, there was always a concern that the seasonal products would not have enough data and these audiences failed when we built them. Subsequently, we had to think outside of the box.

For the seasonal goods, we utilised ‘Similar Views’ to target customers who had looked at products closely related to those we were promoting. We also split test orders and targeted customers’ In-Market for the categories linked to ours. And demographic/lifestyle groups were used to further ensure that our ads were relevant and cost-effective.

The Result

We expected that evergreen products would have the best results as these had audiences most closely related to the products we were promoting. However, other orders performed just as well, if not better. Indeed some products from the seasonal orders produced exceptional results and had a Total ROAS of over 10 within the first month. We are still optimising aggressively, removing products which are not performing and testing others. In the last 30 days, Total ROAS has been 3.14 which is above our initial target of 3.

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