How Clear Ads adapted our advertising strategy to increase traffic and generate $64k in one month to an order
The Client
This client sells premium clinical skincare products without the need for a prescription. They have been working in this category for a few years and have an impressive range of products.
The Problem
The client was eager to scale their business using Amazon DSP. After taking on the account, we had built out several orders, including one for remarketing. This order was running for a while and achieving admirable results. The audience for this order is built up of anyone who has viewed their products with a look back window of 30 days.
We were successfully able to capture the low hanging fruit but it became apparent that the performance of this order had reached a plateau; we were only able to reach a finite audience size existing of those window shoppers on Amazon.
We decided to start reaching a new audience through the DSP platform itself by creating an order using consideration tactics, opening ourselves up to a whole new audience in the
consideration phase in our market, but who had not yet heard of our brand. We began working our way up the funnel.
Utilising our data from the remarketing campaigns we looked into our overlap audiences to determine what categories our existing and loyal customers were also shopping in. This would give us a better insight as to where we could reach a new audience. It was important that we selected the audiences with the highest affinity score as this minimised the risk of reaching an irrelevant audience. The importance of the overlap reports allows us to truly see where our current audience shops by market, lifestyle and category. This highlights the power of DSP audiences to reach unique and specific targets, relevant to our client’s niche.
The overlap report below displays behaviours that the clients’ customers have in common. The affinity score shows how strongly correlated the found audience is to the one entered.
The Result
By targeting our ads at the “In-Market (IM)” audiences discovered in the overlap reports we have been able to expand our reach dramatically. Total product sales increased in the remarketing order from $18k to $39k after running the consideration order for only 1 month. After month 2 we saw the sales increase again to $65k.
On top of being able to increase our audience reach and total product sales, we were also able to maintain profitability with a sustainable ROAS of 9.98 which translates to an ACoS of 10.02%.
We encourage you to not underestimate the power of targeting an audience who is unknown to your brand as it can have an incredible impact on your existing orders and help you build up a new and loyal audience to strengthen your brand.