Amazon Full Service: Common Mistakes in Account Management

How we helped our client achieve over 1million dollars in product sales in under two years on Amazon DSP

Over $150,000 in sales in just 2 months at only a 20.66% ACoS

Careful budget management

Strong understanding of seasonality and adaptability

The Client

The client is a company who specializes in selling shaving products that help you reach difficult places, in both the US and Canada; helping more people be beach ready in a shorter
amount of time.

The Problem​

The client was new to DSP and wanted to test out the platform. The main way they wanted to leverage it was by getting more sales for his business at an ACoS goal of 20%. The client was expecting this to take time, but was surprised with the results.

What We Did...

After analysing the products, we decided that the best course of action was to take our normal approach and set up remarketing orders on both the O&O and OE supply sources, showing our ads to people who have viewed our product but not purchased. This is our normal strategy when we have a new account, as it normally generates a good return as the target customers have already shown interest in your product.

Paired with careful budget management and being agile in our approach when it comes to market changes/seasonality, it helped us reach our ACoS and Sales goals in a shorter period than expected.

After this, considering the category in which the product was placed, we thought a competitor audience would provide great results as the clients’ product listings and images were some of the best in the category. After confirming this with the client, we gathered a list of competitors with less/worse reviews, worse images or a higher price point and compiled them into the audience. Targeting our two best performing ASINs we added the audiences only showing it to people who had seen and not purchased the competitors products.

The Result

Between month 1 and 3, we had already generated over $150,000 in sales at only a 20.66% ACoS, with the majority of sales coming from the Amazon O&O order. This really demonstrates the power of using DSP to advertise on Amazon. This especially applies when targeting people who have viewed your products but not purchased, as they are aware of your offering and are in a shopping mindset – which often leads to a higher conversion rate.

First 3 Months

Clearads DSP Management Stats
Clearads DSP Management Stats

Best 3 Months

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Clearads DSP Management Stats
Clearads DSP Management Stats

Competitor Targeting Campaign Stats

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Clearads DSP Management Stats

Latest 3 Months

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Clearads DSP Management Stats
Clearads DSP Management Stats

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