We Do This By...
Cutting Wasted Ad Spend
Identifying & Pushshing Keywords With Organic Growth Potential
Terms with high PPC conversion rates that can boost organic rankings without cannibalizing organic sales.
Increasing Profitable Elements
Regular Performance Checks
Monitor both micro and macro changes to fine-tune PPC campaigns for peak performance. By effectively utilizing reports like Sponsored Ads, Search Query performance, Product Opportunity Explorer, and external tools, you can gain a competitive edge.
Recent Successes
Breaking Into New Markets: Successfully Launching a UK Best-Selling Vitamin Product in the US
Increased revenue from $1.1M per month to $2.1M per month inside 12 months whilst maintaining a low ACoS
Reduced ACoS from 37% – 22% in 2 months whilst increasing sales by 220%
What Our Clients Say...
The best in the business! I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my advertising. Not only are they the best at what they do, they’re also great people that make it a true pleasure to work with them.
They have not just been service providers; they have been invaluable partners, deeply invested in our success. Their foresight, strategic planning, and supportive communication have been instrumental in optimizing our campaigns and enhancing our brand visibility.
James M.
The Clear Ads Difference
We’re an international leader in Amazon advertising. Our expertise sits across Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display and more, combining extensive in-house expertise with the latest marketing technologies. We help American businesses get the best possible performance from every cent of their Amazon budget.
- We specialize exclusively in Amazon advertising, which means we’re 100% focused on helping you achieve your Amazon sales goals
- Hands-on approach with a dedicated account manager and comms team
- Reduce your advertising cost of sale (ACoS) and increase your ROAS
- Dominate Amazon search results to become a leader in your field
- A completely managed service from a globally recognized Amazon agency
- Budget-friendly campaign options with flexible, cost effective agreements
Expert Amazon Ads services to grow your business
- We’ve been developing Amazon advertising campaigns for more than 10 years, gaining rich insight into strategies that work… and those that don’t
- We’ve built a handpicked team of Amazon PPC experts who live and breathe Amazon marketing
- Work with a dedicated account manager, giving you an easy, single point of contact for all your ad needs
- We believe in flexibility and complete transparency. That’s why we say no to long term, costly commitments. Our contracts are flexible, and affordable
- We work with you on your marketing goals. We’ll work with you to get you on the right track, optimizing your campaigns to deliver the best performance possible
How Does it Work?
Whether you’re a newcomer, established seller or seasoned advertiser, you can expect results right away thanks to our simple, 4-step approach to success:
Don’t settle for second best. If you’re serious about squeezing the most value from Amazon PPC advertising, choose Clear Ads. Schedule a free consultation with one of our Amazon experts to find out more about our marketing solutions now.
1. Audit & Assessment
We begin by assessing your existing advertising. It may be that you’re performing excellently in some areas, and need a push in the right direction in others. We don’t want to fix what isn’t broken; we want to ensure you’re achieving your top potential.
2. Strategy Development:
We work with you to identify methods that will take you from where you currently are, to where you need to be. Whatever you want to focus on - boosting brand awareness, improving sales, boosting product rank, or perhaps all three - we design and develop strategies that deliver.
3. Implementation
We’ll roll out changes to your Amazon PPC campaigns to align them with your vision for success. Starting at the bottom of the sales funnel and working our way towards the top, we look at sticking points in the buyer journey and find ways to eliminate them completely.
4. Optimization
Once the account is fully set up, the focus will shift to optimisation, scaling and new opportunities to expand.
What are you waiting for? Get in touch today for a free consultation
See how we can help you maximise revenue from your ad spend
Full Service Management Pricing
Amazon PPC
Starting PriceMonthly or 7% of Ad Spend
A completely managed service from a globally recognized Amazon agency
Hands-on approach with a dedicated account manager and comms team
Industry-Leading Tools & Setup Included
Monthly & Quarterly Reporting