How Clear Ads exponentially increased a client’s advertising and organic sales using DSP!
The Client
This client sells all things to do with therapeutic wellbeing, ranging from himalayan scrubs to essential oils. They have an amazing product range which helps to soothe the mind and body and have created themselves as an established player in the beauty market.
The Problem
Our client had been running PPC ads on their account with great success, but they were keen to find out what Amazon’s Demand Side Platform had to offer. They wanted a return of x3 on their advertising spend.
What We Did...
We analysed the account and picked out the top twelve performing ASINs from the account. Initially, we targeted customers who had seen the products, but not purchased them. This got the products off to a flying start and by the end of Month 1, return on advertising spend was over6 – double the customer’s target. From there, we targeted customers who had purchased the products, but not in the last 30 days, to encourage brand loyalty. We also tested cross-selling, competitor targeting and lifestyle marketing as well as top-of-the-funnel video ads (created in-house) which are also achieving are turn of over 7.
The Result
In the first six months, ROAS increased from 6.86 to 9.44 (an average of 8.24 per month). DSP sales have increased by 50% with total sales of over $350k for the period. Organic, Total Sales are now close to half a million dollars and Total ROAS is 11.35. Over 9.7 million impressions have been served in this time.