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Understanding the Amazon Search Algorithm 

The digital shelves of Amazon are crowded, and bustling with millions of products vying for the attention of consumers. Success in this online marketplace hinges not just on what you sell but on how well you navigate Amazon’s complex ranking algorithm, currently known as A10. This algorithm is a labyrinthine system designed to match products with consumer queries and preferences. Unlike its predecessors, A10 places a premium on customer satisfaction, making a deep understanding and strategic manipulation of this algorithm essential for sellers aiming to rise above the competition.

Amazon’s search algorithms, A9 and A10, have played crucial roles in determining product rankings and visibility on the platform. The transition to the A10 algorithm entails revising the terminology in backend terms and shifting advertising objectives to target consumers higher up the shopping funnel. The A10 algorithm focuses on prioritizing customer satisfaction and engagement metrics over seller-centric factors. Product relevancy is crucial to standing out in the crowded Amazon marketplace, both in terms of resonating with potential customers and meeting the requirements of Amazon’s A10 algorithm. Staying competitive in Amazon’s dynamic marketplace requires continuous optimization and monitoring of your product listings.

Introduction to Amazon’s Search Algorithm

Amazon’s search algorithms, A9 and A10, have played crucial roles in determining product rankings and visibility on the platform. The A9 algorithm was the predecessor to the current A10 algorithm in 2024 and primarily emphasized direct factors like keyword relevance and sales performance. 

Using the A9 algorithm meant keywords placed strategically in product titles, descriptions, and backend search terms significantly influenced rankings, with higher sales velocity leading to better visibility. However, with the evolution to A10, Amazon has shifted its focus from seller-centric to customer-centric factors. 

While keywords and sales remain important, A10 prioritizes customer behavior, satisfaction metrics, and traffic quality. This reflects Amazon’s commitment to enhancing the overall shopping experience and fostering long-term customer engagement rather than solely transactional interactions.

What has changed from the A9 to A10 Algorithm

The transition from the A9 to A10 algorithm represents a shift in Amazon’s search prioritization from seller-centric factors like keyword relevance and sales velocity to more customer-centric metrics such as satisfaction, conversion rates, and brand authority. The transition to A10 places a greater emphasis on optimizing the overall shopping experience and fostering long-term customer engagement over mere transactional interactions.

5 Differences between the A9 and A10 Algorithms:

Search Relevance vs. Customer Satisfaction:

  • A9 prioritized keywords within listings to determine search relevance, favoring products closely matching search terms.
  • A10 still values keyword relevance but places greater emphasis on customer satisfaction metrics like return rates and feedback.

Sales Velocity vs. Conversion Rate:

  • A9 heavily weighted sales velocity, boosting products with higher sales volumes.
  • A10 focuses more on conversion rate, prioritizing the quality of sales over sheer volume.

Internal vs. External Traffic:

  • A9 mainly rewarded traffic originating within Amazon’s platform.
  • A10 places more importance on external traffic sources, such as social media or other websites directing users to Amazon.

Immediate Sales vs. Customer Loyalty:

  • A9 encouraged strategies for immediate sales boosts.
  • A10 rewards practices that foster customer loyalty and repeat purchases, such as follow-up emails and quality customer service.

Seller Authority:

  • A9 did not heavily emphasize seller authority or brand reputation.
  • A10 prioritizes seller authority, including factors like brand registry status and higher ratings in seller feedback.

Is Amazon a Search Engine? 

Amazon reigns supreme as the go-to search destination for consumers, with a staggering 51% initiating their product searches on the platform. This places Amazon well ahead of traditional search engines like Google, which accounts for 39% of product searches, as well as other retail giants like Walmart. With over 2 billion site visits every month and a remarkable 2.2 billion site visits recorded in April 2023 alone, Amazon’s dominance as a search engine continues to grow exponentially.

Amazon can be considered a search engine for shopping purposes. It has evolved from a simple e-commerce platform into a robust search engine dedicated to facilitating product discovery and purchases. Users rely on Amazon’s search functionality to find products, compare options, and make informed buying decisions, akin to how they use traditional search engines like Google, but with a specific focus on shopping.


This shift emphasizes the importance of optimizing product listings for Amazon’s search algorithms (like A9 and A10) and tailoring advertising strategies to align with user search behavior. Sellers need to focus on keyword optimization, product visibility, and customer satisfaction metrics to ensure their products rank well and attract potential buyers. Additionally, advertising efforts should be targeted towards reaching users at different stages of the buying journey, from initial discovery to final purchase decision, within Amazon’s search ecosystem.

What are the Practical Implications for Sellers?


The transition to the A10 algorithm entails revising the terminology in backend terms and shifting advertising objectives to target consumers higher up the shopping funnel. While this adjustment may require additional time and effort, the resulting increase in consumer satisfaction and accurate product rankings can lead to heightened sales both on and off Amazon’s platform.

Moreover, sellers should adopt a more comprehensive approach, incorporating elements such as high-quality content, strategic keyword usage, and tactics that extend beyond Amazon’s ecosystem. Emphasis should be placed on brand building, cultivating customer loyalty, and driving quality external traffic to Amazon listings.

As Amazon becomes a primary destination for product searches, sellers need to invest in enhancing their visibility both within and outside the platform. This may involve leveraging external traffic sources, such as social media and influencer partnerships, to drive traffic to their Amazon listings. Overall, sellers must adapt their approach to selling on Amazon by prioritizing customer experience, optimizing for search visibility, and diversifying their traffic sources to thrive in the evolving e-commerce landscape.

Example Transition from A9 to A10:

Imagine a seller of kitchen gadgets. Under A9, they might have focused heavily on including as many relevant keywords as possible in their listings and boosting short-term sales through flash discounts. Under A10, the same seller would benefit more from creating engaging content that answers potential buyers’ questions, improving product quality based on customer feedback, and promoting their products through cooking blogs or social media platforms to drive external traffic.

How Does the A10 Algorithm Work?

The A10 algorithm focuses on prioritizing customer satisfaction and engagement metrics over seller-centric factors. While there is no specific instruction or explanation from Amazon about how the A10 algorithm works, our understanding is based on observed trends and industry insights. The algorithm evaluates various aspects of product listings and performance to determine search rankings and product visibility. 

To optimize campaigns for the A10 algorithm, sellers should focus on 6 key strategies:

  1. Customer-Centric Optimization: Emphasize elements that enhance the overall customer experience, such as high-quality product images, detailed and accurate descriptions, competitive pricing, and positive customer reviews.
  2. Keyword Optimization: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-converting search terms. Incorporate these keywords strategically into product titles, bullet points, and descriptions to improve search visibility and relevance.
  3. Content Relevance: Ensure that product listings are relevant to the search queries they target. Optimize content to address customer needs and preferences, providing comprehensive information that encourages conversions.
  4. Performance Metrics: Monitor key performance metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and customer feedback, to gauge campaign effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Adjust strategies based on performance data to maximize campaign success.
  5. External Traffic Sources: Drive external traffic to Amazon listings through various channels, such as social media, influencer marketing, and email campaigns. Increased traffic and sales from external sources can positively impact search rankings and overall visibility on Amazon.
  6. Enhanced Brand Content: Take advantage of Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) and A+ Content features to create visually appealing and informative product pages. Engaging content can increase customer engagement and improve conversion rates.

By implementing these optimization strategies based on our understanding of the A10 algorithm, sellers can enhance their visibility, relevance, and performance in Amazon’s search results, ultimately driving more traffic and sales to their products.

Example: Seller A vs. Seller B

Imagine two sellers, Seller A and Seller B, both offering similar water bottles on Amazon.

Seller A has done a good job optimizing the product title for relevant keywords and maintains a solid sales history. However, Seller A largely neglects engaging with customer reviews and does little to drive external traffic to the product page on Amazon.

Seller B, on the other hand, adopts a more holistic approach. While Seller B also uses relevant keywords in the product listing and strives to maintain good sales, they go a step further. Seller B actively engages with customer reviews, regularly drives traffic to the product page on Amazon from external sources, and maintains a high customer retention rate.

Under the A10 algorithm, Seller B is likely to rank higher in Amazon search results, despite having a similar product and comparable sales to Seller A. This outcome is due to Seller B’s broader approach to customer engagement and retention, which aligns better with the A10 algorithm’s metrics.

Enhancing Product Relevancy

Product relevancy is crucial to standing out in the crowded Amazon marketplace, both in terms of resonating with potential customers and meeting the requirements of Amazon’s A10 algorithm. Here’s how you can enhance your product’s relevancy:

Keyword Optimization: Keyword optimization involves using relevant keywords in your product listings that potential customers are likely to use in their search queries. Tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout can help conduct in-depth keyword research, helping you identify not only primary keywords but also secondary and long-tail phrases.

Example: If you’re selling a stainless-steel water bottle, your research might reveal relevant long-tail keywords like “insulated stainless-steel water bottle for hiking” or “BPA-free metal water bottle for gym.” Incorporating these into your listing increases the chances of your product showing up in specific, relevant searches, thereby increasing its visibility to potential buyers.

Content Optimization: Once you have the right keywords, it’s important to weave them naturally into your product title, bullet points, and description. Your content should be easy to read, informative, and answer potential buyers’ questions. This improves search visibility and enhances the user experience, for improved conversion rates.

Example: In your bullet points, instead of simply stating “Insulated water bottle,” expand with details like “Our water bottle offers 24-hour insulation to keep your drinks cold during long hikes or hot during winter treks.” This provides specific, helpful information and incorporates relevant long-tail keywords.

Boosting Conversion Rates

Boosting your conversion rate, or the percentage of visitors who make a purchase, is fundamental to optimizing your Amazon product listings. A higher conversion rate not only leads to more sales, but it also signals to the A10 algorithm that your product is popular and relevant to consumers, which can contribute to a higher search ranking.

Price Optimization: Price is a significant factor in a customer’s purchase decision. It’s crucial to ensure your product is competitively priced in the marketplace. You can use tools like Keepa or CamelCamelCamel to monitor your competitors’ pricing strategies and understand the pricing landscape for similar products.

Example: If your stainless-steel water bottle is priced significantly higher than similar products without any apparent added value, customers may opt for a cheaper option. Consider adjusting your pricing strategy to align more closely with market expectations while ensuring you maintain profitability.

Social Proof: Social proof in the form of customer reviews and ratings significantly influences purchase decisions. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews by following up post-purchase with polite, non-intrusive emails requesting their feedback.

Address negative reviews promptly and professionally, showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. This not only helps resolve any issues the customer may have had, but it also demonstrates to potential buyers that you take customer service seriously.

Example: If a customer leaves a review complaining about a defective cap on the water bottle they received, respond to the review and address the issue, perhaps by sending a replacement cap or providing a refund. After resolving the issue, you might kindly request that the customer update their review to reflect their post-service experience.

Leveraging Customer Behavior Insights

Successfully engaging customers is a key factor valued by the A10 algorithm. Listings that generate meaningful interactions with customers are more likely to rank higher in search results. Here are some strategies you can employ to improve customer engagement:

Improve Click-Through Rates (CTRs): Your main product image plays a significant role in attracting potential buyers and improving your click-through rates (CTRs). By testing different images, you can identify which one resonates most with your target audience.

You can run split tests on your main image using tools like PickFu to identify the most effective image.

Example: For a stainless-steel water bottle intended for outdoor use, an image that showcases the product being used on a hiking trip might resonate more with your target demographic than a plain product shot. Analyze which images lead to higher CTRs, and use the winning image as your main product photo to draw more potential buyers.

Enhance On-Page Engagement: Keeping potential buyers on your page longer increases the likelihood of a purchase. One strategy to achieve this is by including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section in your product listing. This section can address common customer inquiries about your product, which not only provides valuable information to potential buyers but also keeps them engaged with your listing longer.

Example: If customers often ask whether your water bottle is dishwasher safe, includes this information in the FAQ section. Clearly stating “Yes, our water bottle is dishwasher safe” can answer this common question upfront, provide value to potential customers, and keep them engaged with your listing for longer.

Maximizing Off-Page Traffic

Maximizing traffic from sources outside of Amazon is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your product’s visibility. The A10 algorithm values this external traffic, interpreting it as an indicator of your product’s popularity and relevance. Here are a couple of strategies to drive high-quality external traffic to your Amazon product listing:

Social Media Marketing: Utilize social media platforms to create engaging content and drive traffic to your Amazon product listing. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are particularly effective if you’re targeting a lifestyle or fitness audience.

Example: If you’re selling a stainless-steel water bottle designed for outdoor enthusiasts, you could partner with a popular hiking influencer. Ask them to feature your water bottle in their next adventure post, and encourage them to include a link back to your product listing on Amazon.

Using relevant hashtags, running contests, or offering exclusive discounts through social media can also help attract a larger audience and drive more traffic to your Amazon listing.

Email Marketing: Email marketing can also be an effective way to drive off-page traffic to your Amazon listing. If you have an existing email list, you can send out newsletters featuring your latest products, exclusive Amazon discounts, or even useful content related to your product niche.

Make sure to include a clear, compelling call to action (CTA) in your email, directing subscribers to your Amazon product listing. For instance, a CTA like “Get 20% off on our new stainless-steel water bottle on Amazon! Shop now!” can entice your subscribers to visit your Amazon listing and potentially make a purchase.

By focusing on these strategies, you can attract high-quality off-page traffic that could boost your product’s ranking under Amazon’s A10 algorithm, potentially leading to increased visibility, higher conversion rates, and improved sales performance. As with all marketing efforts, remember to monitor your results, adjust your strategies as needed, and continually look for new ways to reach and engage your target audience.

Continuous Optimization and Monitoring

Staying competitive in Amazon’s dynamic marketplace requires continuous optimization and monitoring of your product listings. The journey doesn’t end once your product is listed; in fact, it’s a persistent cycle of monitoring, learning, and refining your strategies based on the data you gather and the feedback you receive.

Regularly Review Metrics: Use Amazon’s Brand Analytics and other analytical tools to track your product’s performance. Key metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and return rates provide important insights into the effectiveness of your listing and where improvements can be made.

Adapt to Feedback and Trends: Stay responsive to customer feedback and market trends. Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into what’s working well with your product and what could be improved.

Example: If you receive feedback from several customers suggesting that they would prefer your water bottle to come with a straw, consider incorporating this feedback into your product or listings. You could potentially offer a new variant of your water bottle with a straw and highlight this feature in your listings.

Market trends, too, can offer important clues to customer preferences and behaviors. Regularly analyzing market trends can help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt your product features, listing content, and marketing strategies accordingly.

Mastering Amazon’s A10 algorithm requires a comprehensive and multifaceted strategy. By enhancing product relevancy, optimizing for conversions, leveraging customer behavior insights, driving external traffic, and committing to continuous improvement, you can significantly increase your product’s visibility and success on Amazon.

This process requires attention to detail, creativity, and ongoing effort. But the rewards—increased visibility, sales, and customer satisfaction—make this investment worthwhile.

Remember, the landscape of Amazon is ever-changing, as are the best practices for SEO. Stay informed about these changes, remain agile in your strategies, and ensure your customer’s needs and experiences are always at the forefront of your optimization efforts. With this approach, you can foster long-term success in Amazon’s competitive marketplace.


The shift from A9 to A10 represents Amazon’s broader shift towards enhancing customer experience and long-term engagement. While the fundamentals of SEO remain critical, the A10 algorithm demands a more nuanced, customer-first approach. Sellers must adapt by focusing on comprehensive brand building, customer satisfaction, and leveraging external traffic sources in addition to optimizing for Amazon’s internal mechanics.

This evolution encourages sellers to focus not just on immediate sales, but on creating sustainable, customer-focused businesses that thrive on repeat customers and positive feedback. By understanding these changes and adapting strategies accordingly, sellers can improve their rankings, visibility, and ultimately, their success on Amazon.


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