Amazon Full Service: Common Mistakes in Account Management

Who rules the ad world? WOMEN


Born after Seller Sessions Live 2019, and due to the number of female entrepreneurs in attendance. The creators of the event wanted to ensure that women were given a voice and a platform to showcase their successes, share their journeys and offer advice to other people in business – men and women alike.

Branded by Women is a star-studded 3-day conference that took place in May 2022. By no means off-limits to male entrepreneurs, the event is designed for all women and men who aspire to run businesses, and for those who already run businesses and want to advance them.

​This is not an Amazon-only summit, although some of the keynote speakers run successful 7 and 8-figure Amazon businesses. The event is a platform to showcase the range of talented women taking the business world by storm, who have successfully built up their own businesses, and who are reaping the rewards of their hard work and determination.

We were delighted to attend this event and there were plenty of opportunities to both network and learn from the amazing speaker lineup. Topics covered, including, legal aspects of running a successful business, branding and producing products.

If we look just at some of the key Amazon ads related topics that came up. Cost of goods was a key pain point that kept reoccurring and we hear you on this one. With inflation being at an all-time high and fuel costs impacting global transportation of goods. It is no surprise that we are all feeling that pain both personally and professionally. Whilst we can’t stop external factors affecting Amazon sales we do have strategies that we can use to hopefully counter this issue. If you would like to talk with us about these feel free to book a consultation.

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