Amazon Full Service. Common Mistakes in Account Management

Miami MDS Event 2023


It was a privilege to sponsor an event with so many successful sellers.

What is it?

The MDS Takeover Event is formed of a unique group of over 500 million dollar sellers. The MDS group began as a small Facebook group, now they host events all around the world. Sellers come together to learn from each other and share their experiences as highly successful Amazon sellers.

Clear Ads was lucky enough to attend the event in Miami this year. It was perfect since it is so cold in the UK at the moment!

As an agency, the event was a great opportunity to be in front of so many relevant sellers. It was exciting as these are sellers we can support and help to grow their businesses.

What happened

The first day saw sellers split up into private breakout groups. Unfortunately, we couldn’t join these since there were likely secrets and private information shared that we didn’t need to be privy to. Considering the calibre of sellers at the event I am sure some valuable tips were shared in those rooms.

Our founder George Meressa had the opportunity to speak at this event about the Amazon’s demand-side platform. It is always encouraging to speak in front of so many ambitious sellers on a topic we are also passionate about and we enjoyed answering various questions on the topic as well.

After all of the speaker session and breakout rooms, the rest of the day was about experiencing the event together. The evening provided a tasty meal and socialising at the bar, which was a nice way to get to know everyone and network.

The second day was a lot of fun! MDS rented out three massive boats for the day for us all to enjoy the sun, ride jet skis, and have great conversations. We shared who we are and what we do, but also shared and received invaluable techniques and tips.

The most enjoyable aspect of MDS was being surrounded by a majority of very successful and ambitious people. Their mindsets were infectious so we came home feeling inspired by what is to come. Not only did we find new business opportunities we also learned from the people we met.

At Clear Ads we value our clients, we understand that not everyone can come to these events so we go and learn on your behalf. We are always staying ahead and keeping fresh to ensure the best outcome for our clients.

If you want to learn more about the other events we attend check out our website! Or, if you would like to learn more about how you can grow your business through advertising go ahead and request a callback.

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